reticent a..不爱说话的;沉默 寡言的
taciturn a.一句话也不说的 (同)close-mouthed
precipitou8 a,①(山)陡峭的②(做事)仓促的
verSATile 口.多才多艺的
clrcumspect a,慎重的 (同)prudent
circunwcribe v限制
pejoratlve a.诋毁的
例:I agree Iam ambitious,but I don't see that as apejorative term(我承认我有野心,但我不认为“野心”是个贬义词。)
(同)disparaging(饥disparage),belittling (v. belittle)
maven n.专家;内行
disquisition s.专题演讲或讨论flout 饥嘲笑(同)jeer, sneer, mock, scoff
flaunt v.炫耀
deride v.嘲笑(n. derision,a.derisive)
disdain n.藐视(a. disdainful)(同)contempt
peevish a.坏脾气的
raucous a.nosily and disorderly吵吵闹闹的 (同)boisterous, vociferous
repository n.集大成者 ②储藏室 例:The book is the repository of the Western civilization(本书集西方文化之大成。)
erratic a. irregular无规则的
improvidence n. rashness莽撞
peril 见danger危险(a.perilous—dangerous) (同)hazard (a. hazardous)
indignant a.very angry (同)exasperated, irate,furious
indigent a.poor贫穷的(同)destitute, impoverished, penurious,impecunious
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