the criminal Jean Valjean.
doggerel N. /打油诗/poor verse. Although we find occasional snatches of genuine poetry in her work, most of her
writing is mere doggerel.
dogmatic ADJ. /独断的,教条的,固执的/opinionated; arbitrary; doctrinal. We tried to discourage Doug from being so
dogmatic, but never could convince him that his opinions might be wrong.
doldrums N. /忧郁,悲伤/blues; listlessness; slack period. Once the excitement of meeting her deadline was over, she
found herself in the doldrums.
doleful ADJ. /悲伤/sorrowful. He found the doleful lamentations of the bereaved family emotionally disturbing and he
left as quickly as he could.
dolt N. /愚蠢的人,蠢货/stupid person. I thought I was talking to a mature audience; instead, I find myself addressing a
pack of dolts and idiots.
domicile N. /家/home. Although his legal domicile was in New York City, his work kept him away from his residence
for many years. also V.
domineer V. /暴力压制/rule over tyrannically. Students prefer teachers who guide, not ones who domineer.
don V. /穿上/put on. When Clark Kent has to don his Superman outfit, he changes clothes in a convenient phone
doodle V. /涂鸦;浪费时间/scribble or draw aimlessly; waste time. Art's teachers scolded him when he doodled all over
the margins of his papers.
dormant ADJ. /睡着的;隐匿的/sleeping; lethargic; latent. At fifty her long dormant ambition to write flared up once more;
within a year she had completed the first of her great historical novels.
dormer N. /天窗/window projecting from roof. In remodeling the attic into a bedroom, we decided that we needed to
put in dormers to provide sufficient ventilation for the new room.
dossier N. /档案,资料/file of documents on a subject. Ordered by J. Edgar Hoover to investigate the senator, the FBI
compiled a complete dossier on him.
dote V. /昏聩;溺爱/be excessively fond of; show signs of mental decline. Not only grandmothers bore you with stories
about their brilliant grandchildren; grandfathers dote on the little rascals, too. Poor old Alf clearly doted: the senile old dotard was past it; in fact, he was in his dotage.
douse V. /浸泡;弄湿;弄灭/plunge into water; drench; extinguish. They doused each other with hoses and water
dowdy ADJ. /邋遢的;衣衫不整/slovenly; untidy. She tried to change her dowdy image by buying a new fashionable
downcast ADJ. /沮丧/disheartened; sad. Cheerful and optimistic by nature, Beth was never downcast despite the
difficulties she faced.
drab ADJ. /迟钝的;单调的/dull; lacking color; cheerless. The Dutch woman's drab winter coat contrasted with the
distinctive, colorful native costume she wore beneath it.
draconian ADJ. /极其严重/extremely severe. When the principal canceled the senior prom because some seniors had
been late to school that week, we thought the draconian punishment was far too harsh for such a minor violation of the rules.
dregs N. /沉淀物;残渣/sediment; worthless residue. David poured the wine carefully to avoid stirring up the dregs. drivel N. /胡言乱语;愚蠢/nonsense; foolishness. Why do I have to spend my days listening to such idiotic drivel? Drivel
is related to dribble: think of a dribbling, driveling idiot.
droll ADJ. /滑稽可笑;离奇古怪,怪里怪气/queer and amusing. He was a popular guest because his droll anecdotes were
always entertaining.