摘要:为了招生,有些机构一直在炒作美国大学只要新SAT,导致一些家长和学员恐慌,针对此种情况,笔者特意从College Board官方网站和美国大学官方网站查阅新SAT信息,得出权威说法,翻译为中文和广大家长和学员分享,也请各位学员和家长理性对待新SAT,一切以官方消息为准,避免被小道消息误导。
1. 美国大学理事会对于新旧SAT考试预测效度的试点研究结果
The College Board conducted a pilot predictive validity study to provide colleges and universities with early information about the relationship between the redesigned SAT® and college grades. 美国大学理事会进行了一项有关新SAT考试预测效度的研究,目的是给美国四年制大学和学院提供一些关于新SAT考试成绩与大学学业表现关系的信息。
Fifteen four-year institutions were recruited to administer a pilot form of the redesigned SAT to between 75 and 250 first-year, first-time students very early in the fall semester of 2014.
In June 2015, participating institutions provided the College Board with first-year performance data for those students participating in the fall 2014 administration of the redesigned SAT so that relationships between SAT scores and college performance could be analyzed. 2015年6月,参与测试的机构提供给大学理事会这批大一学生(这些学生在2014年秋天进行了新SAT考试测试)第一学年的表现数据,这个数据能够帮助研究者分析学生的SAT分数与大学学业表现之间的关系。
Results of study analyses show that the redesigned SAT is as predictive of college success as the current SAT, that redesigned SAT scores improve the ability to predict college performance above high school GPA alone, and that there is a strong, positive relationship between redesigned SAT scores and grades in matching college course domains, suggesting that the redesigned SAT is sensitive to instruction in English language arts, math, science, and history/social studies. 研究结果证明新SAT考试与现行的SAT考试具有同样的大学学业表现的预测能力,新SAT考试成绩能够更好的反应出申请人适应美国大学的学习能力,能够比单独的高中成绩GPA更加准确地预知申请人在美国大学的学业表现,新SAT考试成绩与美国大学的学科课程有紧密的关联性。
2. 2015-2016版Counselor Resource Guide上的建议两则
Q :Should I advise my students to get all their testing done before March 2016?
Q: 我是否建议我的学生在2016年3月前完成SAT考试(参加现行SAT考试)?
A :When the College Board switches over to the redesigned SAT in spring 2016, the current SAT will no longer be offered. However, some students will take the SAT before that time and then take the redesigned SAT later. Because the test and the score scale are changing, we recommend that these students send in all scores, allowing colleges to use those that are most favorable to the student. Keep in mind that some colleges require students to send all scores.2016年春天开始美国大学理事会将在全球施行最新的SAT考试。然而有些学生既参加了之前的旧SAT考试也参加新SAT考试。因为考试内容和分数会变化,大学理事会建议学生提交所有的成绩,方便申请的大学参考。谨记有些大学是严格要求学生递交全部SAT成绩的。
Q : How will colleges and universities use the redesigned SAT and the current SAT in the admission process?
Q: 在申请大学的过程中,大学和学院是如何对待新旧SAT成绩的?
A: the SAT is taken by more than two million students every year and is accepted by virtually all colleges and universities. The SAT provides a trusted, globally recognized indicator of academic readiness for college. In a way, the SAT is the bridge between the hard work students have already done and the college that is the best fit for their future. Many schools’ websites share the range of SAT scores reported by their admitted students; this valuable information allows students to research which colleges might be the best fit. 每年有超过200万考生参加SAT考试,并且SAT考试成绩被几乎所有的四年制大学和学院所接受。SAT提供一个值得信任的全球认可的大学学术准备程度评价。这就意味着SAT考试相当于一座桥梁,使得学生付出的努力最终获得了最适合他/她未来的学校的认可。许多大学在官网上都发布了申请者提交的SAT分数的等级,这些宝贵的信息允许后续申请者更好的评价自身与这所大学的匹配程度。
We are committed to continuing to work with K-12 and higher education leaders and educators during the transition from the current SAT to the redesigned SAT. The College Board will provide a concordance between the current SAT and the redesigned ST shortly after the first administration of the redesigned SAT to ensure that the redesigned SAT will continue to provide students with a powerful connection to college. 我们大学理事会承诺会继续与K-12教育者及其他的高等教育者一起合作在新旧SAT考试的转化时期。大学理事会在第一次新SAT考试执行后提供新旧SAT成绩的换算标准来确保新SAT考试继续提供考生与大学之间的紧密联系。
3. 第一批“吃螃蟹的人“
Student Cohorts Affected
The entering class of 2017 will be the first cohort to have primarily taken the redesigned SAT. However, some students will take the SAT before March 2016 and then the redesigned SAT later. In these cases, we recommend that students send both scores to the colleges they apply to.
2017年入读美国大学的考生是一批参加新SAT考试的人群。然而一些考生将在2016年3月前参加现行SAT考试并在之后参加新SAT考试。在这种情况下,我们建议考生将新旧SAT成绩同时提交给申请的大学。(下图为College Board给出的考生参加SAT考试的时间建议)
另外值得2017年入学的考生注意的是University of California--Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校
California Institute of Technology 加州理工学院以及Northwestern University 西北大学这三所学校明确提出只接受新SAT成绩,剩下的其他学校(如Princeton University 普林斯顿大学、Harvard University 哈佛大学、Yale University 耶鲁大学、University of Chicago 芝加哥大学、Stanford University 斯坦福大学、Cornell University 康奈尔大学、Duke University杜克大学、Brown University布朗大学、Georgia Institute of Technology 佐治亚理工学院等)新旧SAT成绩均可。
4. 新SAT备考
在新SAT学习阶段,资料是绝对可以满足学生备考需求的,目前不算市面参考资料,仅官方题目有以下三种:1. 新SAT官方指南题目:4套,作文6篇,阅读20篇,语法16篇,数学232道;2. PSAT试题指南题目:1套,阅读5篇,语法4篇,数学48道;3. 可汗学院发布题目:作文1篇,阅读40篇,语法30篇,数学1814道(可汗学院题目由北京新东方研发中心从官方上整理)。其次从旧SAT备考过渡到新SAT备考,首先旧SAT的准备不会白费,这个准备过程为后续的新SAT备考打下基础,新SAT从强化考点准备,尽管新SAT和旧SAT大部分知识点重合,但是出题方式和考点侧重略有不同,因此备考新SAT先了解出题方式,对应考点和解题策略,之后进行大量练习。在16年接下来的五次考试中,新SAT知识点和出题方式将会进一步完善和补充,从而为后续考生准备提供更权威的参考资料。
领先是一种习惯,责任是新东方对学生的最基本承诺!引用业内前辈李楠楠老师的话:“ 2016SAT改革不过是SAT历史上众多改革之一。新东方不会因为商业利益就盲目推广宣传,或厚此薄彼,使学生疲于拼命,浪费时间金钱。新东方会站在学生的立场给出合乎情理和科学可行的建议,这才是业内从业者的良心和职责所在。“